As a new mom, you quickly learn just how much you can do with one hand. For example, just this morning I single handedly started a load of laundry, scarfed down a bowl of granola and yogurt for breakfast, unsubscribed from a handful of catalogs and opened all of yesterday’s mail. Reading books and newspapers
A Great Baby Gift Idea for New Moms
Right around the time Noah was born a large box from unexpectedly arrived at our doorstep. At first I thought the hubs had gone on a diaper delivery bender but, as it turns out, this box was a gift from our friend Anna, an experienced mom of 4. Inside was an assortment of her
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My First 6 Weeks of Motherhood
Many thanks for all of your kind words on the birth of our Baby Noah. We’ve been cherishing our family time together and are happy to report we have a very healthy, happy and alert little boy! The past six weeks have been marked with lots of firsts for our little guy. Noah cracked his first smile, shed his first tear (man
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Welcome, Baby Noah!
It’s hard to believe that one month ago today we welcomed this beautiful little boy into the world. Our son, Noah DuBois Penner, was born at 6:24am on Saturday, November 21st. A robust 9 pounds 6 ounces and 21 inches long, hubs and I are still baffled by Noah’s size but attribute some of his heft to the
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Currently Cooking
Spiced Sweetpotato Cauliflower Mash
When it comes to planning our Thanksgiving feast, or any holiday meal for that matter, I’ll be the first to admit I can get a little carried away. I mean, Pinterest. Need I say more? With our little one due to arrive any minute now, this Thanksgiving already feels more special than ever. While the
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Spiced Chai Breakfast Quinoa
Maybe it’s the unseasonably warm weather, a pregnancy-related pumpkin aversion or simply a case of pumpkin burnout, but I haven’t really felt the insatiable need for all things pumpkin spice the past couple of weeks. How sad is that? Okay, it’s really not quite as tragic as I make it sound because this spiced chai