monday mantra

Can I just tell you, I had such a wonderful day at work last Friday. A great conversation early in the day left me feeling inspired and focused. I got a ton of things checked off my to-do list and then had brainstorming session like no other. It  left me feeling so empowered and excited about my job I could have stayed at the office all night. Thankfully the hubs and I had two special guests to meet for dinner so that didn’t happen, but it got me thinking.

Attitude is everythingMotivation, excitement, confidence, kindness, acceptance, openness, honesty–they’re all so important; not only to how we approach each day but what we get out it. Last Friday was a reminder that sometimes all it takes is a few kind words, a moment of reflection, or one small success to make a big difference in our attitudes that influence our actions.


I know Mondays can be a bit tough, but they’re also super important for setting the tone of the week–so I’m thinking of starting a little Monday Mantra tradition. Just a few inspiring words or images to get us going, focus our intentions, set goals and help us feel motivated and ready to make the most of each week. Plus, it’d be a great way to cheer each other on. Thoughts? 

How are you making your Monday ridiculously amazing? I’m taking advantage of a training “rest day” to get to work early and make a list of things I want to accomplish by 5pm on Friday!

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  • I definitely needed this upbeat post today! I’m feeling blah this morning for some reason but I think with a change of attitude and looking forward to a kickboxing class after work, the day can definitely turn around :)

    • Totally. Kickboxing sounds so fun! Which reminds me, I need to go check out a couple of gyms this week. :) Adding that to the list!

  • I could definitely use a Monday Mantra. Mondays are tough. But I’m trying to keep a list of everything I want to get done so over the weekend I can actually relax!

    • I totally feel you! I literally can go an entire weekend without relaxing. Hoping my to-do lists will help as well, even if it means I have a few things to take care of Saturday and Sunday morning. I’ll be able to get it done and then relax!

  • This is a great idea, I know I can always use a little extra something on Monday mornings. I also like to get to the office a bit early on Mondays, sit down with my coffee and set goals and a big picture to-do list for the week. This helps me to put everything into perspective!

    • This is new for me but I can already tell my weekly list of goals and tasks will help keep me focused and accomplish more.

  • I love this as a way to start the week in a mindful way and how you said “focus our intentions.” Lately I’ve been all over the place with travel, work, etc so I really want to work on this. Looking forward to seeing it each week!

  • I love this! I am going to make my week great by creating my weekly to do list and just taking a deep breath and ENJOYING this week :)

    • How often do we just wish the week is over?! I love that you’re going to do the opposite and try to enjoy it (as well as enjoy checking things off your to-do list)!