An Announcement

I realize it’s been quite a while since I last checked in. It’s so not like me to just leave this little blog in the dark, I know. But, you see, I’ve been hibernating. Literally. For most of the last three and a half months. With good reason, I suppose… Yes, the hubs and I have something cooking and this time it’s not in our kitchen.

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30 Days of No Added Sugar

Before I explain today’s post title, and just what I’m getting myself into, I want to take a moment to thank you for all of your kind words and prayers for our family the past couple of weeks. Reading your sweet comments, emails, and personal stories continue to give us strength, and hope that my dad

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Dairy-Free Salted Caramel Ice Cream

While the east coast was blasted with yet another winter storm a few weeks ago, here in San Francisco we got an early taste of summer. Not surprisingly, with the warm weather and abundant sunshine, all I could think about was ice cream. Dairy-free salted caramel ice cream, to be specific. Yep, I just went there.

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Clean Strawberry Smoothie

You guys know drinking cabbage is my new MO these days. I just can’t get enough–which is why I’m so excited to bring you my latest favorite, cruciferous concoction: this ahhhmazing Clean Strawberry Smoothie. Would you like a sip? Yes, yes you do. I know this because my husband and I took down an entire pitcher

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A Bump in the Road + Some Exciting News

I haven’t written a blog post in a really long time (almost a month, to be exact); ironic seeing as it was one of my five intentions to write more, not less, in 2015. You wouldn’t know that though because I have yet to finish the 5 Intentions for 2015 post I started writing nearly

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