1. There’s a container of sea salt brownies in my desk drawer at work. At all times.
2. It’s nearly impossible for me to enjoy a sandwich without kettle-cooked sea salt & vinegar chips.
3. I cook with real butter. Give me natural, saturated fats over processed, partially-hydrogenated margarine spreads any day.
4. I almost never substitute salad for french fries. My husband does though, all the time, and inevitably gets french fry envy and tries to steal mine. Get your own, darling!
5. I always order steak in my burritos. Light rice, heavy on the black beans please!
6. Veggie crudite does nothing for me. I prefer my broccoli roasted and celery with buffalo wings.
7. I own a Fry Daddy and yes, I use it.
8. I was once a Sweet & Low addict and drank diet soda by the 2-liter jug. Only recently did I give up diet foods & drinks completely.
9. I take my coffee with 2 sugars and at least a few tablespoons of half & half -though I’d prefer it be heavy cream. Milk just leaves me wanting something more.
What food confessions do you have?
PS. How I weaned off the sweeteners and officially kicked the habit.
Photo credit: brownies // chips // french fries // butter // burrito // crudite // half & half
I still love coffee and mocha!-both hot and iced.And I still endulge eating on gatherings where pork belly is the leading course. I believe that it’s still a matter of moderation principle. A little balance and moderation and we are all free to dive in the beautiful food journey.
Wow, I am even more of a fan of MyFitnesPal after reading this page and knowing that you are their dietitian! This coming from another butter and brownie-loving RD!
It’s difficult to be honest sometimes:)
I can’t resist home-made sweets:)
I am a lover of Splenda, but I’ve wanted to try and wean off it for years… just haven’t quite gotten to it yet. And Pirate’s Booty puffed corn is one of my very favorite snack foods – if I didn’t think my pants would be unable to button, I’d happily eat a bag of the stuff every day. ;-)
I adore this post, Elle! Some of my confessions:
I eat chocolate daily
Some of my meals don’t include protein
I love buttering my toast
Ice cream is my key reason for never considering veganism
Have a great weekend!
I agree with you… Ice cream is such a good food to be avoided, ha ha ha
I have similar confessions! I like using real fat (butter and half and half) and real sugar. The fake things just don’t make the cut!
I loveeee this post so much! Thank you for being so honest and totally REAL. I cannot go a day without a spoonful of peanut butter… addicted!
I eat a crazy crazy amount of red seedless grapes daily!
Also..Fat Free Redi Whip – need a little fix of it daily
Yay! Finally a blogger/RD that is human!
I love chocolate and have to have a piece of dark chocolate every night before bed. I used to be so rigid with my eating, too rigid, that it probably wasn’t fun for others to be around me. Now I have relaxed a little and I enjoy indulging at times. I also have a weakness for coconut bliss ice cream. It’s so amazingly good, and I love cadbury eggs!!
Love this! It’s nice to know even a registered dietitian has the same pitfalls I do ;)
I will always love fast food and definitely will continue to indulge every now and again!
I really really REALLY love Poptarts…and yes I am a dietetics student haha.
Love this post! I could eat ice cream for every meal.
anything chocolate related is always around me – at home or my desk. I used to fall for all these fat free stuff but now I am looking for ways to substitute healthier option or go easy on real butter. Veggie platter does nothing to be either besides carrots every now and then.
Love this. I am a health consultant addicted to cookies. :)
I love these. As healthy as we try to be, we all have those weaknesses!
1. I’m STILL addicted to Splenda
2. I can rarely go to sleep without having a spoonful of icecream
I eat chocolate every day. It may only be a little bit some days, but I must have it!
Hahahaha, so happy to hear other healthy people have interesting diet choices sometimes as well. I have a stash of chocolate covered almonds in my pantry and, like Maryz, never get dressing on the side. Lol, my mom (of all people) has been begging me to do a food confessions post, you may have given me the courage to finally listen to her ;)
Love you blog, Ella. Thank you!
Almond butter (by the spoonful!), nuts, greek yogurt, granola!
It never ends but I’ve been doing better by limiting portions ^^;
Thanks for pointing out that no one is perfect and the beauty of a good relationship with food is allowing for indulgences every once in awhile. On my list of “can’t-resist” are ice cream, sea salt & vinegar chips and anything BBQ!
Cookies upon Cookies
I’m trying to learn how to eat these things in MODERATION but sometimes it just doesn’t work!
LOVE this post. So refreshing to see this honesty coming from a healthy living blogger! My food confessions would be:
Anything salted caramel. Gelato, cake, brownies, you name it, I must order it.
Trader Joe’s sunflower butter. By the spoonful.
Chocolate covered pretzels or anything salty/sweet for that matter.
Swedish fish.
Love this post. Moderation right?
1. I love a small piece of chocolate after I eat
2. I only offer to make my husband an ice cream cone so I can take a bite :-)
I’ve only recently “found” you, Elle, and send a heartfelt thank you for your day brightening posts. You have such style and grace! Your writing is personal and of interest without being self-centered ( such as photos of you at every run) which is completely endearing and charming. Please remember to post your sweet potato lentil stew when time allows some day. And in the meantime know that you have a faithful reader who delights in your ideas and thoughts. You inspire me althouh I am twenty years your senior:). All best to you!
Thank you, Michelle! Your kind words made me smile this morning. I posted the stew recipe yesterday – take a peek and enjoy it!
1. I always cook with real butter and only have the tub of stuff from spreading on toast.
2. Always have chocolate in the house.
3.I recently gave up all diet stuff too. I was addicted to diet coke FOREVER! And found it very hard to give up.
4. Always order fries over salad.
5. Never get dressing on the side…salad mixed in with dressing is just so much better!
Thanks for sharing!
I have been following you for a long time, and very rarely comment. I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE this!!! I love that you embody a healthy AND realistic lifestyle – it is SO refreshing!
My food confession? Cheese. It’s cheese. I tried to swear off the dairy goodness, but have recently let it back in….I’ve been known to make several rounds at the whole foods cheese samples. Sorry I’m not sorry :)
Today is the first day that I’ve read your blog, and I LOVE this post!!! Thanks for being honest and showing that even RD’s don’t eat kale and quinoa all the time!! Real butter all the way!
1. I rarely turn down chocolate.
2. I will always opt for real butter over margarine.
Oh you’re stronger than I am having those brownies in your drawer. I’d be curled up in a corner with an empty box, crumbs on my face, hissing at people!
I use the pink stuff but I just decided an hour ago that I’m going to experiment and give up my tea for awhile and just go straight water (which I HATE) with my meals. I usually got 30 oz of tea between all of my meals and then 2 full 36 oz water bottles full of water. I’m going to cut out the tea and add one more bottle of water and pray my teeth don’t float!
Peanut butter filled chocolate covered pretzels from Trader Joes. Nom nom nom.
These sound heavenly…
They’re yummy!
Number 4!! I adore French fries and those side salads are always so sad.
Interesting confessions! My vice is needing something sweet with every meal…whether its a tiny piece of chocolate or some fruit.
Must me nice! I have to fight daily to not do these things.
Number THREE!… Give me the real stuff
Ice cream
Iced coffee. End of story
Spoonfuls of nut butter
Late night snacking.
Dark chocolate.
Anything that ends in latte.
Love all of these. Especially #3. Using the real thing is just way better tasting! I’m working on #8. I’ve got it cut out except for the Diet Coke.
i cannot go a day without chocolate!