workout of the week

Nutritionella workout of the week 8

Plank-to-Frogger | Squat + Overhead Press | Tricep Push-up | Reverse Lunge + Bicep Curl

Girlies! Thank you so, so much for all of your kind words yesterday. Hearing so many of your wonderful marathon experiences seriously helped calm some of those first-timer fears, and your outpouring of support–well, it just means a lot.

I’m super excited to hear some of you are also running the same race! This definitely calls for either a pre- or post-marathon meet-up. I imagine either might involve a super light jog to loosen the legs followed by some serious carb consumption. If you’re into the idea and want to try to get together that weekend just send me an note and I’ll put together a meet-up email list. WOOT!

Okay so it’s Friday, which means you probably have some exciting plans after work and just want to get your workout over with. Am I right? My exciting plans consist of sneaking out of work early for a long-overdue haircut at 4:15, followed by some errands downtown that involve J.Crew and Zara—and maybe a manicure–so I definitely want to get mine over and done with early.

I’m actually heading to the gym before work this morning to put together next week’s workout. Have any special requests? I think it’d be fun to do a couple of “Reader Favorites” so if there’s a certain move you love (it’s okay if you hate it too) let me know and I’ll try to work that baby in!

Have a fabulously sweaty start to your weekend—and thanks again for all the marathon motivation!

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  • I have a love/hate relationship with the Squat+Overhead press. I love the results but well they are not easy to do! Another one of my favourites is DeadLifts. I feel so strong when I do them.. Don’t ask me why.

  • Nice workout! That would be a tough one! As I am a high level athlete, I sometimes become stuck in my same old workouts that I do for supporting my training because I know they work. I recently changed up some exercises and i feel the benefits, you can become stale without changing it up….this looks like another good one….just maybe when I am not already exhausted from my mileage….may push me over the line!