workout of the week

nutritionella workout of the week 3

Drop Squat Punch | Wide Leg Push-up + Cross Body Mt. Climber | Side Lunge + Side Kick (omit dumbbells ) | Split Jumps | Inchworms

Well hello, friends! The hubs and I had hoped to be skiing and hot tubbing in Tahoe this week but unfortunately, the lack-of-snow situation in the mountains seriously derailed our plans. We decided to save our days off and stay local instead. It’s been a productive week at the office, so I suppose I can’t complain too much–but the hubs is pretty bummed out. And he’s caught a cold to boot! Poor guy.

I’m posting the Workout of the Week a day early, but I know you’ll all just be so excited you’ll have to try it tomorrow before work, right? It’s 100% bodyweight powered. If you missed the first workout explanation, for those of you on Pinterest or perusing the workout page, here’s how you can tell whether a workout is bodyweight only or if you need equipment from just a glance.

It’s a total bruiser. Those wide-leg push-ups + cross-body mt. climbers are ridonk–and your inner thighs will be crying tomorrow from those drop squat punches & split jumps. You can thank me when you finish all 60 of them… muahahahahaha.

This workout’s for time, so push yourself but by all means, take a break mid-set if you need to. I finished in 17:45 with a few seconds of rest during Round 2 & 3 of those push-ups. Give it a try & feel free to leave your time in the comments below if you want to be able to come back & beat it!

Just a warning, I’m catching up on my lack of blogging this week–so I’ll be back with a drool-worthy breakfast recipe in a bit!

PS. If you missed them, Workout of the Week 1 & Week 2

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