where I’ve been

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You’ve probably noticed things have been a little quiet around here lately. It’s rare for more than a few days to pass between posts -I love sharing my eats and exercise, favorite new outfits, latest and greatest recipes and chatting with you guys! The truth is, I had to take some unexpected but much needed time off from blogging to take care of myself last week.

The week started like any other until I received an unsettling phone call from my doctor Monday evening just as I was leaving work. Apparently my last routine check-up returned some abnormal test results -some precancerous cells that needed fairly quick treatment. After what felt like playing 20 questions with my physician, Tuesday morning I was in her office doing what I needed to do.

I figured my week could only get better. But then on Wednesday, I was assaulted. Robbed in broad daylight, and I’m not talking pick-pocket style either.

I was sitting on the bus catching up on blog reading when suddenly my iPhone was violently grabbed from my hand. I soon realized I had been targeted not by one but by three people. Two strategically placed individuals blocked me from exiting the bus as I rather impulsively charged towards the door in a desperate attempt to do something -make a scene, call for help, maybe even chase the #$%*#$ down who stole my phone. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do any of those things and instead showed up to yoga phoneless with tears in my eyes.

Needless to say, when two of your most basic needs are threatened, namely your health and security, nothing else really seems to matter. I know my health is in great hands now but my once relaxing commute has become a twice-daily dose of stress. I’ve had no desire to write a single sentence, photograph one morsel of food or put on a pair of heels for the past week. Heck, I haven’t even wanted to cook or bother looking cute. I made popcorn for dinner last night and have struggled to put on anything more complex than jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt lately.

Each day I feel a little bit better though, slighly less on-edge riding the bus, more able to stay focused at work and today I actually felt like blogging. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get crazy and throw on a silk blouse, a sick pair of heels and take a photo of my breakfast. Or maybe I’ll start by just cooking myself breakfast. Either way, I’m getting there.

Thank you for your patience, your sweet emails and tweets. Blogging has become a large part of my life and as a result, so have many of you who I’ve come to know because of it. I’m thrilled the thought of getting back to blogging excites me again.

A few thoughts before I go:

  • Preventative care always seemed like a waste of resources, especially for a perfectly fit, healthy, fruit and veggie-loving gal like myself. But after my health scare last week, I’m truly appreciative of it and a firm believer we all need it. Please go get your check-ups, ladies!
  • Beware of your smartphones. Especially those of you iPhone 5 owners in the city. I learned about the rampant black market for these devices the hard way. Treat it like you would a $200 bill because that’s essentially what it is.

Until tomorrow, or the next day.

P.S. A little snapshot of my coffee mug next to my husband’s. I win.

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  • I’m just getting caught up with what happened to you and I’m so sorry to hear the awful news! I love San Francisco but I’m honestly afraid to go there by myself. Like most big cities, there are just one too many a-holes looking to take advantage of people.
    I hope you are feeling better and that everything turned out okay with the doctor!

  • Wow! That sounds like a down right awful week! Reading what happened to you on the bus makes me realize I need to be more aware in public situations like that too – I always just zone out and browse blogs of Facebook when killing time…so scary! Glad you are okay though!

  • OMG how horrible!!! I’m so sorry about all of the stress! Good thing you caught the cells early! And at least the people didn’t physically attack you. A phone can be replaced, but YOU cannot! I hope your commute gets easier and that you can do it without anxiety at some point again soon.


  • Darling, I’m so saddened to hear what you went through recently. You’re absolutely right – health and security breeches definitely put one in a state of paranoia and depression. I’m glad to hear you took time off for yourself; I’m assuming your husband has been a great companion & support (I’m also going to start putting my phone away in my purse and maybe just sleep/read a book on public transportation). As for your health, I know a lot of girls who get abnormal cervical cells after a pap smear that may indicate a future cancer occurrence. If this is it, please stay calm. It’s very normal to have ABNORMAL results, and it’s why 3 tests need to be completed. The majority of cases end up being regular and there’s nothing to worry about. (Perks of med school) Also, please continue with your healthy lifestyle and yearly check ups. Especially for your husband, since men tend to avoid doctors until a condition has progressed too far along, and invasive treatments are needed. Good luck.

  • I came cross your beautiful blog today and am so sorry that you have been subjected to two horrific blows all in one week. I hope as the weeks go by your health improves and you return to blogging and living as normal…sending love and light your way!


    Lucie x

  • I am sorry that you had to go through all that and hope you are OK. Thanks for making us aware of the phone theft problems. I whip mine out all the time without a thought. I pray you regain your sense of peace and security soon.

    • Thanks, I hope I can prevent at least one person from having to go through what I did – definitely beware! :)

  • Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I saw a gal get her iphone stolen in France many years ago. I was shocked. I also take the bus. so I will be more careful. I am sorry this happened to you, that is so scary and unnerving!

  • Holy cow, gf! I’m so sorry to hear about both of these things. I’ve had an unexpected health scare in the past myself, and it’s unsettling and anxiety-ridden, to say the least, even when everything turns out fine. Sending you positive thoughts and hugs from SoCal.

  • Oh wow, how scary!!! I can’t even believe this happened to you. Now I will watch myself!

  • Wow. I hope everything continues to go well as far as your health goes. Thanks for the reminder. And what a horrible, terrifying ordeal. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you continue to recover from your week!

  • Oh my gosh! So glad you are okay. Faith in yourself as you surge forward and simply being aware of your surroundings when out in public (especially when taking out your phones, wallets or any other valuables) are super important. Baby steps if you need them, but you will get there :D

  • Wow what a week! I’m a reader, not usually a commenter, but I wanted to show my support. Take care of yourself. Do what you gotta do. :)

  • Wow what a week. So sorry to hear all this. I had thyroid cancer last year and while all is hopefully ok now, it was a rough few months. I totally understand the “hard to eat and cook” thing! If you need to chat let me know!! xo

    • Thanks, Lauren! I’ve thought about you and your battle with cancer a lot over the past couple weeks actually. I can’t even imagine what you’ve been through but I’m glad you’re in my life. :)

  • I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. A similar thing happened to me last year. My iPhone was grabbed from my hands while I was walking on a (seemingly!) safe residential street. We had a struggle (not smart on my end, but hey fight or flight!) and I ended up getting slammed to the ground. Those iPhones are DEFINITELY a hot ticket item and I always warn girls about not texting and walking or using it in public. But anyhow, hang in there. It will get better!! I was definitely pretty jumpy for a few months though, and still have that issue from time to time. xo

    • So I’m not completely crazy for wanting to warn EVERYONE I see! Sorry that happened to you too, but glad you’re okay. I’m pretty sure I would have instinctively fought to the bitter end if I could have!

  • Oh my goodness! I am so glad to hear you’re okay. I am all too familiar with calls from the doctor concerning abnormal results and the fear/terror/sadness that they bring. On top of that, how scary about your bus route! I am glad to hear you are okay. {hugs!}

  • What a horrible, scary week!! No wonder you’re in “hibernation mode”– I would be too! Actually, i’d probably be hiding under my bed. I hope that things are on the upswing now! I’m so glad that you are ok -Sending you lots of vitual hugs!!

  • I’m so sorry Elle. I’m glad that you are OK and sending lots of hugs your way.

  • Hi Elle, sorry to hear about the tough week you’ve been having. I’m glad things are on the upswing for you though.

  • OMgosh that is horrible! So sorry to hear! Glad you’re okay. Praying for the days to get better for you! :)

  • Oh, wow girly So sorry to hear about your difficult week. I’m happy to hear you’re doing ok and slowly getting back into a routine. Thinking of you and sending lots of love. If you need anything – even just a virtual hug – please let me know! xo

  • It’s perfectly understandable that you took some time off, that is so scary! Thanks for sharing this because I have an iPhone 5 and I had no idea that they were such a high theft item. I hope you are feeling better and try to keep your head up and stay positive!

  • OMG!! What an awful/scary week :( So glad that you’re ok though and taking the time you need to recuperate. xoxo!

  • Sorry to hear of your awful week :( Good for you for still going to yoga, I would have gone straight home!

    • Clearly, I was in shock. But as it turns out, those yogis are incredibly soothing people to be around and a hot, flow yoga is a great way to destress. By the time I left class I had let go of the physical loss of my phone – the emotional part of being robbed is still a work in progress though!

  • Oh girlie so sorry to hear this! I am happy to hear you are safe and healthy now though! xoxox

  • Oh my goodness, what a week. I’m so sorry. :( I hope there’s a little ray of sunshine in the rest of your week!

  • I’m sorry to hear you had quite a rough week. Hope you get to feeling much better!

  • This post gave me goosebumps! I’m a fairly new reader of yours but I’m glad that you’re OK. I hope things only go up from here for you! Take care x

  • Wow. That’s a tough week for anyone. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all of this and I hope you are feeling better. Also, popcorn is totally an acceptable dinner. Well done.

  • Wow, you are definitely going through a lot girl! My heart goes out to you. I’m glad you’re getting things taken care of with your health & hope that it will all be ok.
    As for the phone & bus situation – yikes! That was a fear I had (someone stealing my iPhone) when my husband & I were visiting SF. My husband warned me ahead of time that it’s very common for someone to try to snatch your phone & run. I’d kept a death grip on mine & got lucky, I guess. I really hope you’re able to make peace with this all & are able to feel secure again. Can you carry some pepper spray w/you? That way you’d at least be able to get the F-ers that helped block you on the bus. *hugs*

    • I fear I’d only spray myself in a situation like that! But next time I won’t be so shocked. This has definitely made me more aware of the BS that unfortunately comes with city-living!

  • So so sorry to hear about your week. One of those happening is bad enough :( Fortunately, it seems like you did what you needed to do for your health, and it’s good that you were following through on preventative care. As for the cell phones – I’ve been hearing a lot about the thefts. We can’t be aware enough – that’s why listening to music on public transportation freaks me out a little. Really hoping that everything gets better for you.

  • That is terribly scary! I am so sorry to hear about your week but things can only go up from here. Stay positive and smiling :)

  • Oh no, what a terrible week. I can relate to the unsettling doc news I had some myself, and yes, never let is slide on preventive care and tests.
    I read somewhere that there is a database with red listed IPhone serial numbers, i.e. IPhones that have been stolen. So if someone tries to active service with such a phone they can’t. Hopefully, that will make stealing and buying second hand iphones less attractive. Have you made sure your iphone is registered by your service provider in this database?

    hope you feel full of (trust in) life soon again!

  • That is so scary! When you’re space and things are violated it’s a terrible feeling leaving you feeling pretty vulnerable. Hopefully the rest of your week looks up! I am so glad you are getting things taken care of with the doctor.

  • Wow Elle, I’m so sorry to hear about your bad week. Hopefully only good news from now on regarding your health and in regards to your phone, please don’t let those assholes taint your vision of San Francisco. It’s so wonderful, casual and laid back but you still have to have your big city head on at all times. Let me know if you need anything!

    • Hi doll! It’s tainted me only slightly – definitely made me a more savvy city-girl if anything. Don’t worry, SF is still my favorite city in the world. :) Thanks for your support!

  • I don’t know you, and I don’t usually comment, but I got goosebumps reading this post. So glad you are okay. What a terrible week! I’m sure things will get better for you but in the meantime, take care of yourself. If that means popcorn for dinner, so be it. xx

    • Thanks for being so sweet, and taking the time to say hi! I appreciate your support and yay for popcorn dinners. :)