Good morning from my new home, the coffee shop where I’ve been camped out writing & researching for the past 3 days. This Master’s thesis thing is no joke! As of this morning I have 5, single-spaced pages written, which is slowly starting to look like a private practice dietitian business plan.
When it comes to projects like these, I tend to bite off more than I can chew. I envisioned a beautiful business plan bound in leather at the end of all this but my advisor wisely suggested I focus on just a section or two of a business plan. Naturally, I chose three.
- Definition of the Market
- Description of Products and Services
- Marketing and Sales Strategy
- Saturday: 90 minutes of power yoga
- Sunday: 4 mile run
- Monday: impromptu sandwich workout
- 15 minutes of Arc trainer
- 48 pushups
- bicep curl tabata
- leg tabata with: scissor jumps, weighted squats, pulsing lunges, balancing lateral leg lifts
- shoulder press tabata
- 15 minutes of biking
Yesterday’s workout was quick, tough, and felt wonderful. It’s been a couple of weeks since my last pushup but I managed to pick up where I left off, with 4 sets of 12. Needless to say, my legs and arms are quite happy to be sitting and typing this morning. I’m hoping to fit in a run later this afternoon and yoga tomorrow.
If you have a second today, check out my November partners!
- Hillary‘s cute blog has tons of great workouts, recipes and fitness inspiration. She also has quite a story behind her passion for health and wellness. Plus, anyone who blogs about exercise and chocolate chip cookies all in the same post is someone you want to get to know.
- Misa is the sweet and stylish designer behind Misa Jewelry. Misa creates beautiful, hand-crafted jewelry inspired by the beauty of nature and her upbringing in Hawaii and Micronesia. I own a few pieces of hers and they’re stunning. No wonder celebs love her jewelry, too!
Well, it’s time to get back to business planning. Thank goodness I voted early and don’t have to worry about wasting time in lines today. Have you rocked the vote yet? I hope so!
P.S. If you’re interested in partnering, check out my Sponsor page for more info. New sponsors get 1/2 off their first month and button design for only $5. Prices, promo codes and ad purchases are all here.
Hi Elle! It’s so wonderful to meet another RD2be! Looks like you’re well on your way to finally becoming an RD! Congratulations! And great job on all your hard work up to this point. I’ve been following Anne’s blog for awhile now, and I know that you guys were in the same program together! The program I’m is not a combined one so I’m trying to finish my graduate program, and hopefully I’ll get accepted into the internship next fall. Good luck on your thesis! I’m sure you’ll finish strong! I look forward to following your journey as a newlywed and an RD! Such an exciting time!!
You’ve got this! Crank, crank, crank :) Also…sandwich workout?! Never heard of one! This sounds intriguing…I foresee research (and maybe sandwich workouts) in my future!
I came up with the sandwich workout a few months back… I like breaking up cardio and strength. I have some of my favorite sandwiches listed on my workout page – check some of them out and let me know what you think! :)
Love that Mac cover, girl! Also, I think you’d make a fabulous private practice RD. Will you be doing Skype &/or phone consults or just local?
I plan to do video and phone consults – just need to figure out the legality of nutrition counseling online first!
Thank you for the shout out!
Btw, I love your mac case and keyboard cover. Where did you find them?
Amazon, obvi. They have lots of colors but I think this is the one I got!
P.S. I fully researched Mac cases and these were the best in terms of quality and color accuracy for the price. I think their matching keyboard covers are only $1 too! :)
Thanks, love!
It may be a lot of work but it sounds like a fun and interesting Master’s thesis. Plus, you’ll get credit for something you’ll be able to use in the future!
Agreed! That’s why I chose the more challenging business plan over a patient case study. It’ll be worthwhile in the end!
I love your computer! Is that a Tiffany blue Mac?
Kind of! It’s a Tiffany blue case and keyboard cover. :)