Year 1 of Grad School… Check!

Hi everyone!  Yesterday was my last final exam of my first year of grad school.  YAY!  To take advantage of my 6 days off before beginning my summer internship,  my boyfriend and I are meeting in London tomorrow morning for 4 days of fun.  Iā€™m currently in Boston (my hometown) where I have a  3 1/2 hour layover.  GAH.   London is 5 hours ahead for those of us on the East Coast which means Iā€™ll only have a very short night of sleep on the plane before arriving to a UK sunrise!  Thankfully Iā€™m on vacation so this doesnā€™t phase me a bit!

In the spirit of vacation, I wanted to share with you some very special and fun photos.  Last semester (after a bottle or two of wine) my best friends from grad school and I decided we needed to have a group photo shoot on UNCā€™s gorgeous campus.   So, a few weeks ago when the weather was nice, thatā€™s what we did!

Iā€™ll begin with the most ridiculous since this shot took about 30 takes to get.  Even those of us who run half marathons had sore legs the next day from jumping.  I seriously think we should all do shampoo commercials after seeing this photoā€¦ our hair looks kind of amazing.


For whatever reason, Lauren couldnā€™t resist picking herself a bouquet and decided to do a bouquet toss.  I love her for this, among many other reasons.  Clearly, Stephanie and I have been conditioned not to dive in for the bouquet catch.



This is the Old Well, a UNC icon.  There are many traditions behind this well, none of which I know, but in the tradition of being older and wiser,  we kicked out the undergrads who were hanging around purely for the sake of our photo shoot. 



We seriously think weā€™re undergrads.


I love this shot but admit I was obviously distracted by a) the sun in my eyes and b) the horror that this angle HAS to make us all look like we have double chins.  Apparently Lauren did too. 


Ironically, this is one of my favorites now.  Look, no double chinsā€¦ just 7 big smiles!





It was such a fun photo shoot and an even more fun year – a big thanks to our photographer, Khalil, for capturing us at our finest!


I canā€™t believe 1st year is already over but weā€™re all looking forward to fun times this summer and our 2nd-year photo shoot next Spring!

Well, Iā€™m off to find a cheeseburger and fries for dinner, a long-layover tradition when Iā€™m in an airport.  Tomorrowā€™s post will come to you from London!

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