bbq black bean & brown rice burgers

Veggie burger lovers, rejoice. There’s now a veggie burger even your skeptical, beef burger-loving significant other will enjoy.

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Earlier this week I found myself craving a veggie burger. I blame it on the holidays. There’s an abundance of roasts, savory stews and cheesy sausage dips (my weakness) at every family gathering, luncheon and office potluck. It was about time I had a few veggie burgers in my life. Instead of falling back on my tried & true Mushiago Burger recipe, I experimented this recipe that caught my eye when putting together the Best of the Best: Veggie Burger Roundup post.

I’ve never been to Houston’s but I hear their veggie burger is amazing – and the recipe I adapted is a copy-cat of theirs. I swapped out a few ingredients and added some shredded Asiago for extra flavor and binding. Also, because I heart cheese.

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You don’t even need a food processor to make these babies. I mashed the black beans with a potato masher and shredded the Asiago by hand – mostly out of laziness… sometimes cleaning the food processor is more work than it’s worth.

The recipe made 4 patties, all of which were demolished in just 2 days. Rob and I each had one on a bun – incredible – and then plopped one on top of a salad for dinner last night. Best idea ever. Do you know how much salad I’d eat if it had one of these on top every time?

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As far as veggie burgers go, they even look like a burger, once you slather them with a little barbeque & molasses goodness.

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I highly recommend. I plan on doubling the batch next time and keeping the extras in the freezer for quick & healthy midweek eats!

Question of the day: Veggie burgers – yay or nay? Got any favorite recipes you want to share?

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