red jalapeño room

Having your fiancé move in is the perfect excuse to give your apartment a facelift. I’ve gotten a few requests in the past for an apartment tour but thought I’d wait until everything got a fresh coat of paint to show you my little home! I took a ton of photos so I’ll start with my favorite place to hang out and cover the rest of my casa in 2 following posts.

This living room was the reason I purchased my own little place almost 6 years ago. Despite some heinous decor, I saw the potential. It was like I walked out of an episode of Property Virgins on HGTV. It was also the first room to be painted once I moved in. These terra-cotta red walls are the coziest.

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Speaking of cozy, this is my favorite chair in the house. It’s where you’ll find me studying, blogging and chatting on the phone. It’s also a popular spot when the girls come over for wine and serves as a convenient guest bed when friends come to town.

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I’m a sucker for natural fabrics and simple, girly accents.
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Before my blogging days, I used to have spare time for things like reading novels and sewing curtains. I vividly remember having a mini panic attack in Pottery Barn over the price of cute window treatments. After all, I was a new homeowner and had 6 windows in this room alone! That’s when I decided to make my own. It was one of those projects you wonder why you started about 1,000 times but once it was done, 6 months later, I couldn’t have been more proud. Not only did I save major cash but I got the exact shabby-chic look I was going for with matching throw pillows to boot.
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And as for the blue velvet sofa, well, that just spoke to me in Macys one day.
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As you can tell, I went a little crazy taking photos the other day so I’m putting together 2 more posts for the apartment tour to break it up a bit: kitchen & dining room + bedroom & bathroom pics to come within the next week!
What’s your favorite room in your house?
Have you ever taken on a DIY project that made you question your sanity too? 

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